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NANOMEMBRANE materials withstand the Antarctic ice

28. 8. 2023

We have been working with Faramugo company since 2015, practically since the university research was transferred into practice and we started producing the first meters of nanofibre membrane laminates.

Faramugo is a Czech manufacturer of outdoor clothing and equipment based in Luhačovice. The family company is headed by Vladimír Bureš, an experienced mountaineer and active sportsman who, thanks to his extensive experience, knows what features are most important in outdoor clothing.
The Polar jackets from Faramugo, made of NANOMEMBRANE material, have boasted the "Tested in Antarctica" trademark since 2021. This is awarded by Masaryk University to technologies or products that have been tested and withstood extreme conditions at the Czech scientific station J.G. Mendel on James Ross Island in Antarctica. The Faramugo Polar jacket has passed this test.

To withstand the harsh Arctic conditions, the jacket must withstand temperatures dropping well below freezing, strong winds and stinging sand and sea salt drifting in the wind. Intense UV rays are also present, which adversely affect the fabric's structure. The wear of the jacket after 3 months in the polar regions corresponds to 3 years of wear in normal central European conditions.

That is why we are proud that the jacket, developed by us and completely manufactured in the Czech Republic, can cope with extremely difficult conditions and protect scientists in their work.


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